Student Loan Rates
Leave the worrying for homework and tests, not your student loan.
Loan Type | APR* as low as |
Undergraduate | 5.24% |
Graduate | 5.24% |
Student or Parent 5-Year Refinance** | 5.50% |
Student or Parent 10-Year Refinance** | 5.50% |
Loan Type | APR* as low as |
Undergraduate | 5.24% |
Graduate | 5.24% |
Student or Parent 5-Year Refinance** | 5.50% |
Student or Parent 10-Year Refinance** | 5.50% |
Annual Percentage Rate. Quoted rates are for our best qualified applicants and subject to change. See additional disclosure for more information.
Please remember that federal loans do offer certain benefits and protections that do not transfer to a private loan. By refinancing your federal student loans to a private loan you will lose any federal benefits that may apply to you. Please review this important disclosure for more information.
Rates shown include a 0.25% discount for optional enrollment in automatic electronic payments.
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