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Earn 5.00% APY* on balances up to $20,000 with a Rewards+ Checking account.
Earn 5.00% APY*

Earn 5.00% APY* on balances up to $20,000 with a Rewards+ Checking account.

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Kid's Savings Account

It’s never too early to start saving for the future. Opening a savings account for your children or grandchildren will set them up for success.

Make Saving Money Fun


Learn about the benefits of a kid's savings account

Birthday treats

Every year your child will receive a sweet treat during their birthday month.

Establishes OKCU membership
Automatic deposits

Set up automatic deposits into the account.

Manage accounts easily

Parents or guardians can set up Digital Banking to view their child’s account in the same place as their accounts.

Get started today


Opening a savings account for your child or grandchild is easy. Follow the steps below to get started.


Open an account online using the link below


Complete the short application

Enjoy your new savings account!

Here are a few helpful tips to help your child build their savings:


  • Start early—it’s never too early to start talking about the importance of saving money
  • Explain the difference between a want versus a need
  • Have different savings buckets—one for spending, one for saving and one for giving
  • Allow them to make mistakes with their money—they will learn valuable lessons
  • Help them understand how making small changes today can have a big impact on tomorrow


Happy to Help

OKCU helped me start a savings account by the automatic withdrawal from payroll check once a month. I don't even miss the money.
OKCU has always been there for me. From checking and savings account to financing my cars, OKCU is where I go. I have been a member since I was 15 years old, I’m now almost 30, and I don’t see myself going anywhere!
OKCU has been my go to financial guru for multiple purchases, as well as a structured means to save. My adult children have accounts, and I have opened accounts for all eight of my grandchildren and great grandchildren. I might say that membership at OKCU has evolved into a legacy for my family.
I opened an account at OKCU in 1969. Since that time, we've used OKCU for savings, checking and even opened accounts for our kids. It's been a part of our financial support system for over sixty years.
OKCU helped teach my grand children about savings. Including treating them like adults and explaining interest upon opening an account. Your staff fell right into character and made sure they had their banker card, lots of pens and sticky notes.
0 Years
Helping Oklahomans

The child's birth certificate and social security card are needed to open the account. Overdraft transfer from savings to checking is $1 per transfer. The Annual Percentage Yield (APY) may change quarterly on a savings account. View additional account information.